What is the status of gender justice in Corona reporting on television and in the online editions of print media in Germany? How often do women and men have their say? How often and on which topics are they asked as experts? Two studies of the MaLisa Foundation investigate these questions.
The Corona / COVID-19 pandemic, which has also affected Germany since March 2020, impacts all areas of life. The different effects of the crisis on women and men become clear. This also concerns the media coverage of the health crisis in Germany.
In order to analyze this extraordinary situation, the MaLisa Foundation has commissioned two studies: Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer and Julia Stüwe from the Institute for Media Research at the University of Rostock have examined television reporting. The data researcher and founder of the Gender Equality Tracker, Max Berggren, evaluated the reports in the online editions of print media.
For the TV coverage, the Rostock researchers analyzed information programs with Corona-related content that were broadcast between 16 and 30 April 2020. Max Berggren evaluated the reports in the online editions of thirteen print media for the same period.
The complete results of the studies can be found here (in German).